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park, st. louis, Vlog, Whole 30

Whole 30 Results, Kiener Plaza, and a New Van

Are you guys ready for a post that is kind of all over the place? I guess that’s pretty typical for my blog. Instead of dragging it out for 3 posts, I’m wrapping it up all in one. So sit back, relax, and read all about what’s been going on with us (along with our photos from Kiener Plaza–which I’ll share about below.)

kiener plaza

You may or may not know that back in May, I decided to try doing Whole 30. You can read about my first week of Whole 30 here. And you can read my other update here. In that second post, I had laughed at the thought of my friend suggesting I was pregnant. The joke’s on me because I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks later. Anyway, I said that when I finished the full 30 days, I would come back and report my thoughts. And then I never did. And I know there are definitely hundreds of people checking my blog every single day to see when I’ll report back (and by hundreds, I mean zero. I bet most people forgot I even did it.)kiener plaza splash pad

So at the end of 30 days, how did I feel? The same exact way that I did when I started. No extra energy, only 5 pounds of weight loss, and I felt just as “blah” as I did in the beginning. I didn’t struggle with the limitations (though I was sad to miss out on a few treats during that time) but I did find it annoying to have to always be making a separate meal for myself, along with other inconveniences–like knowing what to eat if I was going to be out and about for a while.

Overall, I don’t think my Whole 30 results are typical. But it just wasn’t for me. Part of me does wonder if it’s because of pregnancy. But the other part doesn’t want to think that because I don’t have any interest in trying again haha. I will say that I’m glad I tried it once and I’m happy to learn that I like sweet potatoes! My favorite Whole 30 meal was pulled pork over diced sweet potatoes with a lot of hot sauce. Now all of the sudden, I’m craving it again!

kiener plaza redesign

So that’s the update you were so eagerly awaiting haha. I don’t want to discourage anyone from trying Whole 30…because, like I said, my results were not typical. But I just wanted to make it known that it’s not always the magical results that people seem to talk about.

So anyway, on to slightly less boring things. Kiener plaza (where these photos were taken.) It’s a little area in downtown St. Louis that just got a little makeover recently. And by little makeover, I mean $$$. They put in a small splash pad and playground so we were really excited about taking the kids one afternoon. We pulled up and saw this tiny little splash pad and I turned to Don and told him not to put too much money in the meter. It looked really wimpy compared to Citygarden (our favorite.) So I thought they would be ready to leave within minutes–just like another recent splash pad visit we had.

kiener plaza reopening

kiener plaza renovation

I was apparently so wrong. They loved it. There was nothing too special about it but they had the best time coming up with games to play together. We let them play for a while before quickly checking out the playground and heading back to the Suburban because our meter ran out. They were begging to go back and play some more but we had already been out for quite a while that day so we ended up heading home. But we will absolutely have to squeeze in one more visit before it gets too chilly.

kids playing in splash pad

Did I mention the fantastic Arch view that we had?

free St. Louis activities

Also–a big breakthrough! Desmond actually touched the water. Every time we visit a splash pad, he’s usually hanging out in the stroller. But he’s been getting braver each time. And he finally touched the water! Maybe this means he won’t be terrified of the beach. We can only hope.

dad and boy playing at kiener plaza

new splash pad at kiener plaza

kids playing

In other news, we bought a van!! Last September we were one month away from having baby #6 and scrambling to find a vehicle big enough to hold everyone. Right away, we found a Suburban and immediately filled it up when Clementine was born. I missed my mini van but was happy to have something to hold all of us.

Then we found out about baby #7 and a new vehicle was one of the first things on my mind. I seriously dreaded purchasing (what I lovingly refer to as) a dorky homeschool van. But I figure that I’m past the stage of looking cool anyway. So a couple weeks ago, a friend sent us a craigslist listing with a 12 passenger van. It wasn’t as “cool” as I hoped it would be–you know, as far as giant vans go. So we decided to wait a week to see if any other listings came up.

things to do with kids in st louis

things to do in st louis with kids

No new listings showed up for the 10 days we looked so we decided to check it out. (**I should note that we like to pay cash for our vehicles and not spend a huge chunk of money on them. So though we did see some other “better” options popping up, we chose not to spend our money in that way.) Our friend, who knows everything there is to know about vehicles, went along with Don to look at it. They agreed that it was a great van and a great deal so we got it!

The down side–it only had 8 seats because the back bench was missing. But pretty much within a couple hours of purchasing the van, our friend found a bench for us on craigslist. He already went and picked it up for us so we are good to go! It was seriously an answer to prayer! So my cool points probably dropped quite a bit. But at least my kids don’t have to climb over seats to get to their spots now haha.

loulou LOLLIPOP cute baby teether

Because Clem didn’t make it into any of the splash pad photos, I give you this gem ^^^

And because I thought this post wasn’t random enough, here’s the newest vlog from Family Funcast! We had planned to work on the video with the kids this past week but life got in the way. But it should definitely work out this week so hopefully we can get that done!

Have a great week!

Blog, Fall, Family, kids, park

Celebrating fall with apple picking

Happy first day of Fall! We went apple picking this past Sunday and I thought the first day of fall would be the perfect time to share!

baby boy holding and eating an apple

It’s been our tradition to pick apples to kick off the Fall festivities. And I guess if you want to be technical, we didn’t actually go in fall . But I say it still counts! To start out, the number one rule when you go apple picking, you HAVE to buy apple cider donuts. Don’t argue with me, just do it. Trust me. The kids already started scarfing them down before I could get a decent picture. They are totally worth all the sticky fingers and faces that will follow.

toddler girl eating an apple cinnamon donut

girl taking bites of the donut

Desmond’s face just proves that he agrees.

cute baby boy smiling

At the orchard we go to, there are a few places for the kids to play (the bounce houses cost extra) but they are always more than content with even the simplest playground equipment. Don is working on some new projects with the GoPro (borrowed from our dear friends.) I hope that he is able to share those with you before too long! I just couldn’t resist this picture of Kingston’s pure happiness, and Desmond’s pure boredom.

dad and boys going down a slide

After a bumpy tractor ride to the orchards, we were ready to pick some apples. I’m always jealous of those people who experience those beautiful overcast days for apple picking, perfect lighting for gorgeous photos. We had the full on sun, hitting our faces awkwardly at almost all times. Anyone have advice for shooting in direct daylight? Anyway, a sweet woman asked if she could take a family picture of us. The kids may not look super thrilled in this photo (maybe a bit confused? haha) but it’s still a sweet picture and I was so thankful for her thoughtfulness!

big family

boy holding a green apple

Desmond is super serious about his apple bites. He was cracking us up. As long as he could gnaw on an apple, he was content (even while making this adorable scrunched up face!) But if he got peel in his mouth, he would start spitting it on the ground and then throw the apple. But then his apple was gone so he’d start crying for another one. Repeat cycle–over and over haha. We love going to Thierbach’s because you can eat as many apples off of the trees as you want. And our group ate quite a few.

baby boy eating and digging face into apple

dad and baby

I thought I could easily stand there all afternoon, watching her take her bites, quietly munching, while she watched her brothers pull apples from all the different trees.
little girl looking at apple
girl watching brothers pick apples

Don snapped this of me and the crew. We weren’t winning any group photo awards that day haha. At that point, everyone was ready to head back to the tractor and head home.
mom and kids posing for picture

Love this little crew—sun spots and all!!
the kids love apples
5 kids sitting in the grass

young boy looking up into tree

Apple picking is just one of my favorite ways to celebrate fall. And while I’m not a fan of pumpkin flavored anything, I do love visiting the pumpkin patch! So that will be on our agenda pretty soon. What are your favorite fall activities? Any good ideas for us to do as a family of almost 8??