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family camp

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Family Camp

So, as I mentioned before–I don’t have many pictures of family camp. I failed in that department.

But as always, it was a great weekend to make memories with my family and church family.
It was fun this year that Liam was able to participate in so much (slip & slide, flour dodgeball, pew races, and the foot race.)
And Don and I even did the 3 legged race—and may I add, we made a good team.
The worship was wonderful. One of the things that stuck out to me was Scott’s message on Philippians 4. Contentment. Something I know I struggle with when it comes to Don’s work schedule. And our house. It was a convicting, yet encouraging sermon. I know The Lord is sovereign and has us where He wants us. I just need His help to trust Him.
Don’t worry, Don’s Tilley hat was borrowed.

2 men in tilley hats
Off and on rainy day on Saturday
boy holding umbrella in rain
cloudy skys
bates creek camp
Liam’s about to crawl under the pews for the race
dad and 2 boys
relay races
cute baby girl
And I stole this from Maggi’s blog because I thought it was cute. Kai and Penople. Kai claims his walk with Maggi and Penelope was his favorite part of family camp.
little friends
We recovered quickly this year. Now I have my wisdom teeth removal to look forward to. But not before Billy and Sarah’s wedding!!