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apricot studio, Blog, photoshoot

whimsical photoshoot

Last week I shared the whimsical maternity shoot that I did with Rachel. Life has been super busy and hectic lately (in a good way!) so I’m just now getting the chance to share the pictures I took that night.
My brain is constantly being pulled in a thousand different directions so I’m going to be super creative and deem this the “whimsical photoshoot.”
Like I said in my last post, Rachel and I had been talking about this idea for months. We were both anxious to get out with our cameras and just have fun taking pictures. I am positive we looked like total dorks going to the park in our long, white dresses. But once we got past being embarrassed about it, we got some (in my opinion) dreamy photos 🙂
girl posing on fallen log
girl standing in forest
girl in white dress
girl in white dress sitting on fallen log
girl posing in white dress in the forest


girl looking up at trees


zoomed out shot of girl in white dress in forest


looking up at the sky


portrait shot of girl outside


girl smiling outside

Rachel has to be the easiest person to photograph. Gorgeous in every single picture! I’m so thankful for a friend who is beautiful inside and out.

apricot studio, Blog, photoshoot, pregnancy

whimsical maternity photos

For many, many months, Rachel and I have been talking about doing some sort of whimsical/woodland type of photoshoot. She went off and got engaged/married and has been super busy but we were finally able to squeeze in a fun little photo session a couple of weeks ago. 
Since I was 35 weeks along, I ended up with some fun maternity shots. Rachel did an amazing job, as always. Her model was a little hard to work with though 😉 
I just wanted to share a few before the baby arrives! 
woman in white dress in forest by stream


pregnant woman looking down at ground


woman in white dress by trees


posing by trees


cracking up at photoshoot


girl sitting on rocks in white dress
pregnant woman looking back


pregnant girl in white dress sitting on fallen tree


jessica in the grass


jessica holding pregnant belly


holding pregnant belly while sitting down


jessica roberts in white dress
Thanks, Rachel, for a fun night out and some special memories!!
And as soon as I get the chance, I will be sharing the pictures that I took that night. I had a gorgeous model to work with! 
Photo credit: Rachel Gunby– Apricot Studio