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Primrose’s Birth Story

In case you hadn’t already heard, baby number 7 is finally here! Primrose Elowen Roberts was born one week ago on February 20th at 8:57pm! She weighed 8lbs 6oz  (our biggest baby) and was 20 3/4″. The whole day was so crazy and unbelievable to me so I wanted to type it all out before I start forgetting details. All the pictures were taken by my friend, Mayci. She has taken pictures for my past few births and I could never thank her enough for providing me with these precious memories!

(**As you may already know, my due date was on February 12th. My best friend, Maggi, was due on February 14th. For our entire pregnancies, we talked about how fun it would be to have our babies on the same day.)

In the last weeks of pregnancy, my body was hurting quite a bit. But even with all of the discomforts, I still didn’t want her to come any earlier than my due date. I was terrified and anxious about the labor to come. However, as soon as my due date passed, I was just so ready to have her. I felt like I just shut down and spent the next days so emotional, irritable, and impatient. I was being quite dramatic. The entire pregnancy seemed to fly by but as soon as we made it past that “due date,” each day felt like 100 years.

What made the wait more difficult is that I experienced “false labor” quite a few times and felt like I was in early labor. I would time the contractions for hours, just waiting for them to become stronger and closer together. But each time they started to fizzle out after about 6 hours. I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with my body. The most overdue I had ever been was 6 days with my 2nd child so I didn’t expect to go that far overdue…and especially not any longer than that! I just didn’t expect my 7th child to take so long or be so confusing. I lost all sense of logic and really thought that my body just wasn’t going to be able to go into labor on its own. And I was fully convinced that I would be pregnant forever haha.

On the morning of the 19th, my friend Maggi texted and said she was contracting! I was so excited for her and kept hoping that I would also go into labor. I started having contractions in the early afternoon and thought “this is it! We’re going to have our babies on the same day!” But just as before, my contractions died down. However, Maggi’s got stronger. She was heading to the hospital as I was heading to bed. I got the exciting news in the middle of the night that she had her baby at 1:01 am! So the rest of the night I laid there just waiting and hoping to feel contractions.

But they didn’t come. I got up and once again felt very discouraged. I had my 41 week appointment that morning and figured my doctor may want to send me for testing to check to make sure everything was healthy with the baby. So I just felt like it would be best to send the kids to their grandparents’ house..just in case. I don’t do cervical checks with any of my pregnancies until I’m in labor. But that morning I was just dying to know if any of those contractions I was having had progressed me at all. And then I heard very discouraging news that I hadn’t dilated a single bit.

How could this be? Those dumb contractions hadn’t done a single thing! My doctor asked what I thought about induction. I have always been against it in the past…not ever wanting to do it unless there was a medical reason. He told me I could set one up as soon as that day or any day leading up to 42 weeks. But in that moment of weakness and desperation, I just asked to be induced that night. I didn’t think I could mentally handle another day of waiting. He called and got it set up and told me that I would be getting a call some time after 6pm to come in for an induction.

As we left the office, I felt such a weight lifted off of me. Instantly the stress melted away and I felt excited to know that we were going to be meeting our baby girl soon. But I was terrified of the induction to come. All my other labors started naturally so the thought of this new experience just made me so nervous. I was just fearing the unknown.

Anyway, since we were up near the hospital already and had a couple of things we wanted to do up in that area, we decided to waste time until we got the call for the induction. We started by going to meet Maggi’s new baby girl, Sylvia. I snuggled with her sweet baby and we hung out there until we decided it would be a good time to head out for lunch.

St. Louis recently got a Shake Shack and it has become my new obsession! I had already been there twice since their opening in December, but Don had never been. So since we didn’t have the kids, we took advantage of this day out together. We hit up Shake Shack for lunch and then headed over to Ikea to walk around. We realized we were already out of ideas for time wasting things to do because it was a rainy day. However, we still had hours to kill so I suggested going to Old Navy. On the way there, I stupidly started googling stuff about inductions and started to scare myself. I remember praying that if I wasn’t supposed to be doing this induction, then please, oh please, let me go into labor naturally.

It was about 3:45 when we got to Old Navy (probably only 10-15 minutes after praying that I could go into labor naturally.) As we were walking inside, I got hit with a contraction that had me doubled over in pain. I thought there was no way that could be a real contraction because it had come on so suddenly. But I was definitely hopeful. We quickly walked around Old Navy and decided to head to the mall to walk laps. The whole way there I was feeling quite a bit of cramping and pain in my lower back and hips. But it was hard to tell if I was contracting or not.

As soon as we started walking into the mall, I got hit with another hard contraction. And as we walked a couple of laps around the mall, I continued to get them every few minutes. For the most part, I could continue to walk through the pain. I would squeeze Don’s hand through each contraction and slow down my pace. But I still wasn’t convinced it was the real thing. These contractions were more painful than the braxton hicks contractions I had been having for weeks. But I felt like it was just too perfect for me to be in labor. So I was starting to wonder if I was imagining the pain. However, as we were leaving, I had a few more hard ones that did make me stop because they hurt pretty bad.

At this point we decided to head back to the hospital because it was after 5 and we were hopeful that we’d get a call about the induction sometime soon (we were overly optimistic 😉 ) We went back up to Maggi’s hospital room, along with her whole family, and we hung out as the contractions grew stronger. I was trying to keep the contractions coming so I was pacing her room while I had a big audience watching me haha. This was the point that I finally felt like there was a small chance that our babies could share a birthday!

With each contraction, Don became more nervous. He kept urging me to go down to the triage to get checked but I was afraid to go down there too early. I was trying to compare my contractions to how I felt with Clementine. With her, I was 5 cm when I arrived at the hospital and these didn’t feel as strong. So I kept pacing while Don kept nervously watching. I kept joking “what’s the worst that can happen? We’re already at the hospital! I can just have the baby right here!” I didn’t realize I would regret my nonchalant attitude pretty soon!

After about 45 minutes of my husband’s pleading, I finally decided I would head down around 7:30. We got down to the Maternity Welcome Center–which was booming–and went through all the questions. (A little sidenote–I later learned that so many women were having babies that night that they hadn’t even started calling people to come in for inductions…even at 11pm when I was headed to my hospital room to get settled for the night. I was 3rd on their list so I likely wouldn’t have even gotten a call until way past midnight.)  This is when my contractions started to become quite a bit stronger…to the point where it brought tears to my eyes. They brought me back to a triage room and I kept telling them I wanted an epidural as soon as possible.

As the midwife checked me, she said “okay, well I’m not going to tell you how dilated you are. Let’s just get you upstairs to get you that epidural.” I flipped out and asked her how much I was dilated and after quite a bit of hesitation, she finally said “You’re almost complete.” I thought she was going to tell me 4-5cm at most. When I found out that I was 9cm, I completely lost control. I immediately started crying. I know there are so many women who can give birth without the epidural. And I truly think that’s awesome. But I have always had an epidural and I was terrified at the thought of going without it. I kept repeating the same thing to Don, over and over–“I should have listened to you and gotten checked sooner!” “Why didn’t I listen to you??”

They rushed me upstairs into the same room where Clementine was born. Within minutes, the IV was in my arm and the anesthesiologist was waiting outside the room. The midwife said she wanted to check me one more time to see if there would even be time to get the epidural but I begged her not to. I was afraid she would break my water and the baby would come flying out. So the anesthesiologist came in and inserted the epidural. I felt like everything was so rushed that I didn’t have time to really get too scared about it. So from the time I left Maggi’s room at 7:30 to the time that I was in the delivery room with the epidural in was about 45 minutes.

I asked them to call my doctor because even though I have had the same doctor for all 7 of my kids, he had missed the past 3 births because he happened to be out of town all 3 of those times. This time I knew he was in town and was planning on being at my birth. But they told me he was at a meeting. They tried contacting him but when he heard that I was already 9cm, he knew there was no way he’d make it in time. I was so bummed! So was he. It was seriously a 2 hour meeting and I happened to have the baby withing that two hour time span.

Anyway, as the epidural was taking effect, I was feeling tons of pressure. I remember the nurse saying something at 8:45 about having the baby at 9. I laughed and said there was no way. But a few minutes later, when she checked me, she said “okay…well, we’re about to have a baby.” The bag of water was bulging out. And let me just tell you that is one of the most bizarre, disgusting feelings. **probably TMI–but just imagine a slug crawling out of your body haha. I can’t believe I just wrote that on the internet. Let’s just say it felt so weird and I couldn’t stop laughing.

The doctor came in the room and got everything set up. They were waiting for me to feel the urge to push. And just like every birth before, I was completely terrified to push. Knowing that I was so close to meeting this child that would change my life forever just made me so scared. Yes, I was excited to meet her..but it’s like my body just froze up. I stopped feeling all contractions and pressure for a few minutes.

Then finally it was time. As I started pushing, the doctor told me to slow down and do a “half push.” Within seconds, she mentioned the baby’s chubby cheeks and they told me to reach down and grab her. I had only pushed for like 20 seconds so I was seriously shocked that she was already out. I yelled “Wait! She’s born?!?” which makes me laugh every time I think about it. But I honestly could not believe it was that fast. The past 5 births I only had about 1-3 minutes of pushing. But 20 seconds was just unbelievable to me.

I pulled her to my chest as she let out a few cries and just as with the 6 previous children, I instantly fell in love with this sweet child. Nothing in the world compares to the moment you meet your child for the first time. It doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st or your 7th…it is equally amazing each time. As soon as I saw her face I noticed that she looked exactly as Clementine as a newborn. It felt so crazy. I seriously felt like I gave birth to the same child twice. Even a week later, I keep staring at her and feeling like I have a newborn Clementine all over again.

So about an hour and a half after leaving Maggi‘s room, I was in the delivery room holding Sylvia’s new birthday buddy and new best friend. We both delivered our babies on the same day, in the same hospital. The dream we had had for the past 9 months came true and I was so excited. I couldn’t believe how quickly everything went. It felt so rushed and chaotic and perfect. I don’t know if it was the fact that I had set up the induction and didn’t feel so stressed anymore or maybe the oxytocin release from snuggling Maggi’s newborn, but I’m convinced those two things played a role in the timing.

I’ll admit that I had such a hard time trusting God’s timing in those days leading up to delivery. I prayed for patience and tried to trust His timing. But I was so discouraged with each passing day. And now that it’s all over, I can see how beautifully orchestrated it all was. I’m so thankful that He not only kept her safe and healthy, but that He did it in His own perfect timing.

Now we’re home and adjusting to life as a family of 9. It’s chaotic and loud and our house is a mess. But everyone is absolutely in love with their new baby sister. Even Clementine, who I was convinced would be jealous of having a new baby in the house, is head over heels in love. So we may struggle at first but I think we’ll get used to our new normal in no time.

Primrose has been such a happy, content baby. Although we’re still trying to work on her schedule–she prefers to sleep all day and party all night. But I’m not going to complain because the newborn snuggles are 100% worth it. I’d just like to go ahead and press pause on life for just a bit to enjoy this stage just a little longer. I’ve caught myself tearing up so many times because I love this little girl so much.

Anyway, I’ll share more about that in another post soon. But before I go, I’m also going to share our newest vlog, welcoming Primrose into the world! I debated sharing the birth clips. I had it recorded for my own personal memories. But I just think those moments are so beautiful and felt (since it doesn’t show anything graphic) that I wanted to share how amazing the miracle of birth is. The vlog also shows the kids meeting their sister for the first time and also our first moments at home. It’s a precious video that I know I’ll love to look back on over the years. But just a fair warning–Don does give a brief recap of the labor and delivery that actually was quite a bit different than it actually happened haha. It’s funny how husbands can forget so easily while I can clearly remember how and when everything happened.

Thank you all so much for all the love and congratulations over the past week! We definitely feel the love!!

You can read Desmond’s birth story HERE and Clementine’s birth story HERE.

baby, Blog, bumpdate, gender reveal, pregnancy, Vlog

It’s a Girl!! (Gender Reveal and Bumpdate)

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Are you ready for some fun gender reveal pictures? I am so excited to share that baby #7 is a girl!! Our whole family is so thrilled to be welcoming another little girl to the tribe and evening things out a little more! I am seriously still in disbelief even though I suspected we were having a girl.gender revealYou may remember from my announcement post that at 8 weeks, I experienced a huge scare with this pregnancy and thought we had lost the baby. It was later determined to be a  subchorionic hemorrhage, which was closely monitored via ultrasound at my appointments. When I had an ultrasound at 14 weeks, I talked the ultrasound technician into trying to see what we were having. She wasn’t very confident in her guess but said if we held a gun to her head and made her guess, she would guess we were having a girl.gender reveal ideas

Obviously that didn’t leave me feeling too confident. Hopeful? Yes. But not confident at all.

Anyway, as I was trying to come up with a unique gender reveal idea, I came across this fun photo on the @ohhappyday feed and was immediately inspired! I know some people roll their eyes at gender reveals and the moms who go all out for a picture. But this is one of the few hobbies I have so let me live a little, okay? Haha.

At that moment, I knew that whether we were having a boy or a girl, I definitely wanted to do a colorful theme instead of the expected blue or pink. And even though I did use someone else’s ideas for the balloons/colors, I love that my gender reveal is a one of a kind! (ps–here’s the diy I used, in case you’re interested!)gender reveal balloons

gender reveal photoshootYou may look at these gender reveal pictures and think it looks like a pretty simple setup (and overall, now that we know what we’re doing…it is) but we ran into quite a few issues along the way that had me stressing out. I’ll put the vlog at the end of this post and it shows some of the problems we ran into.

Our DIY projector required a lot of trial and error and I was being super picky about colors and didn’t like what any of the stores carried. I actually ended up ordering directly from the Oh Happy Day website and was so happy with the colors!

As soon as the balloons came in, we attempted to inflate them and realized our pump was too big (these balloons are smaller than the standard size.) So I drove around to a bunch of stores until I FINALLY found a pump that was small enough. I came home, started to inflate the balloons, and then ended up popping a few of our limited supply!

By the time we got done with the letters, it was too dark to take pictures so we had to wait until the next morning.  However, by morning, some of them were starting to deflate (that may have been my fault–I may have not tightened the knots well enough) and we didn’t have enough balloons to replace the deflated ones.

There were seriously issues every step of the way (you can see on some of these pictures how wonky some of the balloons look) but I still LOVE the end result and it was so worth the stress!gender reveal photo session

how to do a gender reveal with balloonsOh, I didn’t tell you the best (craziest?) part! We took these pictures last week, before we knew what we were having! The plan was to take both sets of gender reveal pictures so we could get the announcement out ASAP after we found out. But after seeing how much work it took, we decided to just do the girl pictures and be VERY hopeful we were actually having a girl, like the ultrasound technician guessed haha.

We did have everything set up and ready to go yesterday…in case I had to hurry home and get “boy” gender reveal pictures. I think we were all a bit relieved that we didn’t have to go through all of that again (especially because we would have had to use the balloons we had left and the color scheme wasn’t nearly as fun!)sibling gender reveal photos(p.s. Obsessed with Desmond’s face in that picture ^^  I may look like a dweeb but everyone else’s faces made that photo worth sharing.)gender reveal ideas involving siblingsYesterday was my big anatomy ultrasound. We decided that I was going to go alone for the ultrasound and then I would come home and surprise them. I hadn’t slept much in the days leading up to the ultrasound because I was SO NERVOUS! I seriously felt like I was going to throw up. But as I saw my healthy baby moving around on the screen, I felt such a peace that I would be happy either way, girl or boy.

I was really hoping for a girl (not going to lie) but I knew that either way, this baby was given to us by God and was perfect for our family. When I thought back to the days that I thought I had lost the baby, I knew that at that point, I would have never had a gender preference. I just wanted a baby. So I reminded myself of that during my ultrasound. I am so thankful for our little girl but I would have been equally happy for a baby boy.gender reveal party colors

most unique gender reveal

Everyone is really excited to have a baby sister! I think everyone kind of hoped for a girl, except Kai. But if you ask Kai, he’s still super excited for a sister! Now we have about 20 more weeks to come up with a name for baby girl because we don’t even have a “maybe” name yet! (Although I do have a small list of baby girl names that I like!)

baby gender reveal photo shoot

best way to reveal baby gender If you don’t watch the vlog and you’re noticing our wall is two different colors, then the answer to the question in your mind is “yes, we did paint just a section of our wall so we’d have a white background.” BUT! We had been planning on painting our walls white. So whenever (if ever) our lives slow down a bit, we’ll be finishing up our paint job. If only we had a few extra hours in our days (without kid interruptions.) gender reveal photoshootNow for a little Bumpdate! I’m 20 weeks this week, which means I’m officially halfway to my due date! Any time someone asks me how I feel, I tell them I feel too well because I seriously don’t feel pregnant most of the time. My only reminders are my hunger, cravings, and tiny little baby kicks. I’m definitely not complaining because I’ve had some difficult pregnancies. But I’m hoping that this time is just like my most recent pregnancy (with Clementine) because that was my easiest pregnancy of all!

Speaking of baby kicks, I have an anterior placenta–which is fancy talk for saying that the placenta is in the front, which cushions me from feeling most of those precious kicks. Kicks are one of my favorite parts of pregnancy so I’m hoping to start feeling them a bit more pretty soon!

Also, fun fact! My best friend, Maggi, just found out last week that she is also due with a baby girl (and she’s due 2 days after me!) I’ve always dreamed of having twin girls–so this is as close as I’ll ever get to making that dream come true! I can’t wait to find matching outfits and accessories for our “twin girls” haha.  pregnancy gender reveal

You can’t really tell from these pictures as much but my bump is very prominent already! That’s what happens when you’re pregnant with baby #7! Even though I’ve only worn dresses and leggings with long shirts for my last couple of pregnancies, I’ve found myself wanting to wear jeans and a flowy shirt this time around!

A big reason is because I found these Old Navy maternity Rockstar jeans! I have NEVER found a pair of maternity jeans that I loved until now. Keep your eyes out for sales because I got them for about half price during a sale! They are seriously the best ever. So comfy and fit exactly how I want them. (Not an ad–just an obsession!)

And I’ve collected a few comfy, adorable shirts from Pink Blush. In these photos I’m wearing this shirt. Their site is always the first place I look when I’m trying to find cute maternity clothes.

If you have other favorite maternity shops, let me know!! It seems like most maternity stuff is only sold online these days, which can make it hard to shop sometimes. I have been drawn more towards flowier stuff this time around, partly because I’m trying to avoid the conversations and questions that inevitably come up when we go out as a family (6 kids and pregnant again?!?!!) But as it’s getting harder to hide, I’m trying to embrace the bump a little more.gender reveal photo shoot pregnantI hope you made it through this entire post without going crazy haha! I know when my mind is going a million miles an hour, like it is right now, I tend to just spill all of my thoughts out quickly and it ends up being all over the place. But I’m just so excited and there’s just so much to say! I’m so anxious to start shopping for another baby girl (if you haven’t already seen my registry, you can look at that HERE. Since I put it together before the ultrasound, I have boy and girl picks!)

And the best part of it all—the vlog! Guys, I know you probably see the length of our vlogs and think “who wants to sit and watch a video that long?” But it’s shorter than the length of a tv show and the content is much better 😉 Kidding.

But this video is seriously my favorite that we’ve made. It shows me surprising Don and the kids yesterday, setting up for the gender reveal pictures, and a dorky “behind the scenes” look at what it was like to get the pictures! It’s absolutely worth the 15 minutes that it takes to watch it! And while you’re there, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel!!

Thank you all so much for reading along and being excited with us! I could not believe how many people were just as anxious as I was to find out what we’re having. I’m just a boring stay at home mom who homeschools our children, buys most of our clothes/decor second hand, and drives dorky 12 passenger van. But you all make me feel so loved and so much cooler than I actually am. I’m humbled by your kindness!

Thank you so much!! I can’t wait to introduce our baby girl to you in about 20ish weeks!

(To see my other gender reveals, click HERE for Clementine’s, HERE for Desmond’s, and HERE for that time that I tried doing gender reveal photos for Desmond before I found out what we were and ended up guessing the wrong thing. You think I would have learned this time around haha!)